
COM 324.01 Interpersonal Communication

Communication Studies Program

08/29 - 12/12/2022

11:00 - 11:50 AM

3 Credits


Assignment #1
Chapter Packets (12)
To assess your comprehension and knowledge of the material, there are 12 chapter packets to complete, in accordance with the 12 chapters covered in class. Chapter Packets will include scholarly responses to at least 2 objectives, definitions and uses of at least 3 new key terms in new sentences, as shown in “Check Your Understanding” at the end of each chapter. Other ways to cover the chapters may be approved by the Instructor. Instructions will be provided in class and on Blackboard. Various assignments may also be assigned, and will be graded in this category.
Assignment #2
Nonviolent Communication Sessions
Students will lead an assigned chapter out of the 14 chapters from the "Nonviolent Communication" book. Sessions will be at least 40 minutes long, and must involve all class members in activities that will help them make connections between the book and real life situations. Individuals will schedule meetings with Stacy before their sessions. Handouts/PPT’s for sessions are due at least 24 hours before the session itself. Instructions will be provided in class and on Blackboard.
Assignment #3
Nonviolent Communication Transformation
By the end of the semester, you will have become comfortable with the Nonviolent Communication book. Using it as a guide, you can use either English or ASL to describe your transformation, if any—or your intents to transform. Using excerpts from each chapter in the book, you will describe how that specific chapter struck you in a way that you can use it to transform. Instructions will be provided in class and on Blackboard. Video projects will be graded on clarity of principles involved, ability to make connections between the content and real-life experiences, creativity, understandability/visibility, and video editing. Instructions will be provided in class and on Blackboard.
Assignment #4
Explorations of Interpersonal Relationships:
You will prepare a paper (3-4 pages) and an ASL video (4-5 minutes) for a relationship you focus on (total of 2 relationships). The general topic is: “How my relationship is constructed through Interpersonal Communication”. In each assignment, you will analyze the relationship by explaining at least two concepts or principles that were covered in class, followed by examples from your chosen relationship that illustrates the concept, and a summary/analysis of why the example fits the concept described.
Assignment #5
Explorations of Interpersonal Relationships Group Projects
Using the content from your Explorations of Interpersonal Relationships assignment, you will then work in small groups to discuss your various relationships and determine the similarities and differences in interpersonal relationships. As a group, you will make a PowerPoint presentation and present your findings to the rest of the class. Each group member must take part in the development and presentation. Instructions will be provided in class and on Blackboard.
Assignment #6
Explorations of Interpersonal Relationships Group Projects
There will be 2 reflections (1 in English and 1 in ASL) to help strengthen the process of putting thoughts and ideas into ASL and writing. Generally speaking, reflections make connections between what you have been taught in theory and what you need to do in practice. Reflections for this class are expected to address class readings, class discussions and your own personal responses and thoughts regarding what you have learned. ASL reflections MUST be uploaded to YouTube and the link shared in the specific assignment submission on Blackboard. Instructions will be provided in class and on Blackboard.
Assignment #7
Act of Kindness Project
TIn small groups, you will plan and institute an “Act of Kindness”. You group will plan an act of kindness in the community, implement it, and then plan a group presentation (and submit individual papers) reporting your actions and how they affected the receivers of the act as well as how you were affected. One place you might want to look for ideas is

Assignment Breakdown

AssignmentsActivityWeightSubmission Due


Chapter Guides/Various Assignments


Sept 9th by midnight


Reflections (2)


Full Semester


Act of Kindness Project


Sept 16th (In Class)


Nonviolent Communication Session


Nov 4th by midnight


Nonviolent Communication Transformation


Nov 4th by midnight


Explorations of Interpersonal Relationships


Nov 4th by midnight


Explorations of Interpersonal Relationships Group Project


Nov 4th by midnight

Grading Breakdown

GPA Scale and GPA Value

Academic Integrity
Policy Violation
(no credit)

line with circle

Not acceptable

for DoIT majors

line with circle
line with circle

(59 & Below)
Failing (no credit)


Passed for interpretation majors

line with circle


line with circle



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